Natural Cure For Glycogen Storage Disorder


It’s a genetic disorder, in this condition specific body enzymes are not able to break down the complex glycogen compound, amino acids and metabolites. It affects the body organs especially liver, muscles or both and other various parts of the body. It’s a very rare disease and affects only one patient per 40000 approximately. In GSD there are more than 12 types and are described based on the deficiency of enzymes or the affected tissue of the body. Type 1a links with liver and kidney and complications are hepatomegaly and type 5 and type7 linked only with muscle. In this article, we are going to discuss the Glycogen storage disorder in detail. In this article we will discuss glycogen storage disorder and its ayurvedic treatments.

Glycogen Storage Disorder


In Glycogen storage disorder those enzymes who involve in conversion of glucose to glycogen or breakdown of glycogen compound to glucose work abnormally or absent. There are more than 12 types of disorders and each with different types of enzymes or absence and malfunctions. If one of the enzyme involved in glycogen synthesis are absent then it leads to reduced production of glycogen and condition known as hypoglycemia

Types: – .Following types are:-

  • Type 0 (Lewis disease) impacted area – liver.
  • Type Ia (von Gierke’s disease) mainly affect live and intestinal part of the body.
  • Type 1b-liver, kidneys, intestines, blood cells in the body.
  • Type 2 (Pompe’s disease)-affect body muscle, heart, liver, nervous system, blood vessels.
  • Type 3 (Forbes-Cori disease)-liver, heart, skeletal muscle and blood vessels.
  • Type 4 (Andersen’s disease)-liver, brain, heart, muscles, skin and nervous system.
  • Type 5 (McArdle disease)-mainly skeletal muscle.
  • Type 6 (Her’s disease)-liver and blood cells.
  • Type 7 (Tarui’s disease) – mainly skeletal muscle and blood cells.
  • Type 8 (Liver phosphorylase kinase deficiency)-liver.
  • Type 9 (Fanconi-Bickel syndrome)-liver, kidneys and the intestines.

Most common disorder is type 1 that is glucose-6-phosphate deficiency. Nearly one fourth of patients have the type 1 disorder. It’s a rare disorder and only found in one in every 20 to 25K babies.


It is mainly due to heredity (passed through parents to children). It happens when parents have the abnormal gene mutations and leads to abnormal storage and usages of glycogen. In most of the cases both parents pass the same abnormal types of genes to their children that is why most GSD occurs. But parents don’t show any abnormality or symptoms of the disease

Mainly mutations in two genes cause GSD. G6PD gene mutations cause type Ia, and SLC37A4 gene mutations cause type Ib. These proteins combine and break down sugar molecules called glucose 6-phosphate. The breakdown of this molecule produces the simple sugar glucose, which is the source of energy to most cells in the body.

Mutations in the G6PC and SLC37A4 genes prevent the effective breakdown of glucose 6-phosphate. Glucose 6-phosphate that is not broken down and is converted to glycogen and fat so it can be stored within cells. And excess storage leads to permanent damage to cells. This process damages body organs and tissues all over the body, particularly the liver, kidneys and muscle leading to the signs and symptoms of Glycogen storage disorder.


Symptoms mainly vary with the type of deformity, mainly all GSD attack liver, it includes type0, 1, 3, 4,6,8,9. However sometimes it may affect other parts of the body like muscle and heart. These GSD cause enlarged liver except type 0. This could lead to low blood sugar level in the body because of excess glycogen stored in the liver instead of releasing it through blood streams. Patients suffer with hypoglycemia and symptoms include sweating, tremor, drowsiness, confusion and seizures. And type 5 and 7 affect the skeletal muscle and most common symptom are muscle cramps

Some of other symptoms

  • Tiredness
  • very slow growth
  • Obesity
  • bleeding and clotting problems
  • kidney disorders
  • low resistance to infection
  • breathing difficulty
  • heart problems
  • mouth ulcer
  • Gout


  • Heat intolerance
  • Enlarged liver
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Swollen belly
  • Muscle cramp during workout
  • Bruising
  • Gastrointestinal disease like IBD


Some of the following investigations should be done for the diagnosis of this disease are:-

  • Blood tests: – To check blood glucose level in the blood and working of organs like liver, kidney and muscle
  • Genetic tests: – To know about the problems with genes for various enzymes.
  • Tissue biopsies: – take a tissue sample from your muscle or liver to check the level of glucose or enzymes present in it.
  • Imaging tests: – To check what going on inside the tissue or body.
  • Elastography:- is a type of imaging test that checks the liver for fibrosis.

Herbal Remedies For Glycogen Storage Disorder

Planet Ayurveda is an internationally recognized organization that provides best herb remedies to the patient because it extracts raw materials from the organic herb and makes 100% genuine products with no side effects and gives best results in 20 years. In the ayurveda, one of the best methods to overcome this is to treat the beeja dosha in your body. And planet ayurveda provides the best ayurvedic medicines to improve your quality of life. Its products are pure vegetarian and naturally extracted from the herb and medicinal plant. Planet Ayurveda strictly follows the government guidelines for making their product best.


The following herbal medicine are:-

  1. Kumar Kalyan Ras
  2. Nourish-Maxx
  3. Energo Plan Syrup
  4. Arogyavardhini Vati
  5. Chandraprabha Vati
  6. Ashwagandha Capsule

Products Description

1. Kumar Kalyan Ras

It’s an ayurvedic remedy that comes in tablet form and is best to balance the pitta dosha in our body. Main contents are Sindhur (Shuddha Parada), mukta bhasma (calx of pearls), Swarna bhasma (calx of gold) Abhrak bhasma (purified mica), Loha bhasma (calx prepared from iron), and makshika bhasma (calx of copper-iron pyrite), kumari ras (aloe vera). It mainly deals with enhancing the quality of life and inner strength of children and boost their immunity.

Dosage: – one tablet for chew once in a day.

2. Nourish-Maxx

It’s a natural protein supplement made up from Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). It boost immunity and body mass strength in children as well as adults and gives best result output  

Dosage: – one tablespoon once in a day.

3. Energo Plan Syrup

It’s the best tonic and gives energy to the body. The main compositions are Jeevanti (Leptadenia reticulata) Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) Pippali (piper longum) Shigru (moringa oleifera) Guggul (Commiphora mukul). It gives the best result in physical debility and underweight. Its sharpen your brain, memory and mental strength

Dosage: – 10ml twice a day

4. Arogyavardhini Vati

It’s the best herbal remedy for any liver deformity like cirrhosis, jaundice, fatty liver and Acid-peptic disorder. It neutralizes the bile salt and clearing the colon also improves the immune system. The main contents are Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa) Chitrakmool (Plumbago zeylanica) Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) Shudh Shilajit (Asphaltum Purified) Shuddh Guggulu (Commiphora mukul).

Dosage: – one tablet twice a day with Luke warm water after meals

5. Chandraprabha Vati

It’s an ancient herb remedies and main composition of this vati are following shilajit (Asphaltum), guggul (Commiphora mukul), Sharkra (sugar), Karpoor (Cinnamomum camphora), Vacha ( Acorus calamus ) , Mustak ( Cyperus rotundus) , Haridra ( Curcuma longa) , Amalaki -Amla (Emblica officinalis), Chavya (piper chaba) , vidanga ( Embelia ribes) etcetera. It’s a classical and natural mixture of herbs that help to increase the fat metabolism by enhancing the growth promoting hormones. It mainly deals with urinary tract and genital organ problems and emotionally stressed conditions.

Dosage: – one vati twice a day with Luke warm water after meals.

6. Ashwagandha Capsule

It’s a single herb remedies that is made up from Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) best to treat the vata doshas in our body, bring strength back to muscles of bladder, relieves the muscle and effectively act as nerve tonic and boost up the physical strength as well as mental strength. It also deals with treating stress, anxiety, aging, fatigue, palpitation and nervous breakdown. It can be given to any age group children as well as old aged people.

Dosage: – one capsule twice a day with Luke warm water after meals.


Ayurveda gives best results over the years with no side effects. It’s an ancient technique to treat patients with natural herbs. So the above-mentioned medicines of planet ayurveda are best to treat the glycogen storage disorder because all the medicines are free from any preservatives and other added salt that harm your health. All ayurvedic medicines are purely vegetarian and made up from 100% naturally occurring organic herbs and plants. In case of any query kindly visit For more queries, you can send your queries to our email id

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit

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