5 Ayurvedic Herbs to Balance Your Pitta Dosha


It is not just the ancient lineage of Ayurveda that sets it apart from conventional medicine. Ayurveda is also notable for its deep understanding of the uniqueness of every individual. This unique constitution is defined as prakriti, which is based on the balance of your three doshas. It influences every aspect of your health and wellbeing. Pitta dosha, which comprises the elements of fire and water, is characterized by heat as well as lightness, fluidity, and sharpness.

pitta disorder

If pitta is your dominant dosha or if you suffer from a pitta disorder, you need to pacify and stabilize the dosha. This is where your diet, lifestyle, and herbs come into play. Classical texts provide us with plenty of information on Ayurvedic herbs to balance pitta, but it’s also important to understand the basis of this classification.

The Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Pitta Dosha

  • Ayurvedic herbs have been meticulously studied and are classified on the basis of their rasa (taste), virya (energy), and vipaka (post-digestive effect). While you don’t need to go into the details, you should understand the basics.
  • To balance pitta dosha, you need to avoid foods and herbs that have heating properties, instead focusing on those that have opposing qualities. This means that you should consume herbs that have sweet, astringent, and bitter tastes. To make this easier for you, we’ve shortlisted 5 of the best pitta pacifying herbs.

Herbs to Balance Pitta Dosha


  • Brahmi is characterized by a bitter and astringent taste, with a sweet and cooling post-digestive effect. This makes it an excellent remedy for pitta aggravated disorders, while also balancing vata and kapha doshas.
  • It remains one of the most widely used ingredients in Ayurvedic medications and is used to treat nervous disorders, chronic skin disease, hair loss, premature aging, and other conditions.
  • Today, there is plenty of evidence from modern studies to support these uses, as the herb has been shown to support the nervous system, also strengthening cognitive function and memory.
  • Brahmi is notable for its calming effect on the mind and body, which makes it helpful for anyone dealing with a pitta aggravated disorder.


  • Owing to its wide use in Indian cuisine, most of us may not think of dhaniya or coriander as a medicinal herb. However, its astringent rasa and sweet after taste makes it a useful herb to treat pitta aggravation, especially when combined with other pitta pacifying herbs. It is believed to help relieve burning sensation in the body, which is commonly caused by pitta aggravation, especially during summer.
  • It is also known to support healthy digestion and reduces the buildup of ama or toxins in the body. Although more research is needed, studies suggest that dhaniya may have an immune boosting effect, while also demonstrating antioxidant, hypolipidemic, and hypocholesterolemic properties.


  • With a distinctive cooling effect on the body, pudina is perhaps the first herb that comes to your mind when thinking of pitta pacifying herbs. An important ingredient in numerous Ayurvedic remedies, you can use any variety of mint including peppermint or spearmint.
  • Like dhaniya and brahmi, pudina is actually tridoshic, but it is most effective for pacifying pitta. With its strong cooling powers, pudina can help to relieve excessive body heat that is typical to pitta disorders. Research also supports its use in the treatment of digestive and respiratory disorders.


  • With a bitter astringent taste and cooling after effect, guduchi is regarded as one of the best herbs to calm pitta aggravation. It is an important Ayurvedic ingredient in a range of medications and is regarded as a potent nerve tonic that supports the nervous system.
  • Guduchi also helps strengthen immune function and reduces allergies that are common with pitta aggravation during the summer months. Studies support its use in the treatment of a number of medical conditions because of its strong antioxidant properties.


  • A sweet and bitter herb with heavy and cooling properties that counter pitta, shatavari is regarded as pitta pacifying as well as rejuvenating. In fact, it is classified as a rasayana or rejuvenant that boosts vitality. It is also regarded as effective for pitta aggravation because of its strong grounding effect.
  • The herb is commonly used in Ayurvedic treatments for reproductive and digestive disorders. The herb is being closely studied for therapeutic uses and has been shown to help treat conditions such as hyper acidity and as an ingredient to fortify functional dairy foods.


  • Keep in mind that Ayurveda emphasizes balanced living, which means that for your general wellbeing you should not rely solely on herbal remedies. In addition to using these pitta pacifying herbs, it is also important that you make changes to your diet, exercise, and daily routine for the best results.
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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com.

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