Alternative Treatment For Stiff Person Syndrome with Herbal Remedies


Nervous system is the most important system of the human body. The nervous system has two parts: central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord on the other hand, the peripheral nervous system is made up of nerves that branch off from the spinal cord and then extend to various parts of the body. But have you ever imagined that when some disease related nervous system develops how it is going to affect your life? This article is all about one of the diseases that affect the nervous system and it is known as stiff person syndrome. The article covers all the details about stiff person syndrome along with the Ayurvedic aspect of this condition and how it can be managed using Ayurvedic formulations.

Stiff Person Syndrome


Stiff person syndrome is a very rare yet progressive syndrome that affects the nervous system, specifically the brain and spinal cord. It is a rare neurological disorder which does not have any clear cause. In addition, it is characterised by high rigidity which progresses faster and makes a person become stiff. The stiffness primarily affects the truncal muscles. The situation is superimposed by spasms and thus resulting in postural deformities. The stiff person syndrome is having a very rare prevalence like one in a million people and that too in the middle age group mostly.

Causes of Stiff Person Syndrome

As the actual process for the occurrence of this condition is not understood, it is kept under the category of autoimmune processes going on in the brain and spinal cord.

Most of the patients with this condition have antibodies that are present to attack glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). GAD is a protein which is present in some of the neurons that are involved in making a substance called gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). This GABA is responsible for controlling muscle movement. This condition occurs when the body’s immune cells may start killing neurons which are responsible for producing gamma aminobutyric acid. It’s a hypothesis basically. When there is no GABA then it simply means there is no control over muscle movement. This deficiency of GAD plays an important role in development of stiff person syndrome but exactly how it is caused is not understood.

Symptoms of Stiff Person Syndrome

The symptoms of stiff person syndrome are as following:

  • As mentioned before, the condition is progressive and thus have recurrent episodes of severe muscle stiffness.
  • Rigid muscles along with painful spasms in the trunk region especially.
  • Rigidity of upper and lower limbs can also be observed.
  • The age for symptoms can vary but most people start experiencing symptoms between the ages of 30-60 years.
  • Spasms can be extremely forceful and also have the ability to cause fracture. They can cause a patient to fall when he or she is standing or walking.
  • Spasms can worsen during times of emotional distress or when being touched or due to sudden noise or movement.
  • If the symptoms persist, it can lead to abnormal posturing of spine and thus leads to Stiffened or hunched over back.
  • In later stages, difficulty performing the daily activities like getting into or out of the bed, getting up from the chair or even dressing becomes increasingly difficult.
  • Slowly, people with stiff person syndrome become full of fear and anxious about how they will navigate through life.
  • Depression is also noticed as the condition progresses thus impairing the entire quality of life.

Diagnosing Stiff Person Syndrome

Generally the diagnosis for this condition is made on the basis of symptoms and to support the diagnosis various types of tests are also done. The most commonly used tests include presence of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies. Around 80% of the patients are having these antibodies and strongly support the diagnosis. It may also be measured in the cerebral fluid from a lumbar puncture. Lumbar puncture is done to look for oligoclonal bands that are indicators of central nervous system inflammation.

Treatment of Stiff Person Syndrome

Treatment of stiff person syndrome can prevent severe disability. The Treatment includes:

  • Benzodiazepines are given to slow down the nervous system.
  • Baclofen is also given as a muscle relaxant
  • Some immune modulating therapies.

Ayurvedic Viewpoint of Stiff Person Syndrome

The stiff person syndrome is a condition which can be understood under the concept of avarana in Ayurveda. Avarana is due to adhikta of vata dosha in the body.

Causes of vata dosha in body

It is explained that there are two main reasons for the excessive vata dosha in the body. One is Ksheenta or decrease in the bodily tissues or dhatus and second is blockage in various passages in the body which can be micro or macro.

How is vata responsible for Stiff person syndrome?

Vata dosha is termed as chalayaman in Ayurveda which means it is in motion. Vata dosha is also responsible for the motion of kapha and pitta dosha in the body which are understood as thermal and potential energies. Being the kinetic energy, it is the nature or property of vata dosha to be in motion and whenever it faces any kind of obstruction in it’s passage due to other two doshas that are kapha and pitta it tends to throw kapha and pitta dosha here and there in body thus resulting in onset of diseases.

In addition, most of the credit for dosha aggravation goes to the wrong diet and faulty lifestyle. The vata dosha, as mentioned before, has a motionful nature which means anything which is obstructing its path will be removed one way or another. These obstructions can be due to ama or endotoxins, kapha dosha or potential energy or pitta dosha or thermal energy.

In stiff person syndrome whenever the patient does nidaan sevan that is ingestion of causative factors (Wrong Diet) or performing the causative factors (wrong lifestyle) then symptoms related to this disease will definitely appear.

Ayurvedic treatment for Stiff person Syndrome

In this case the muscles of all over the body are slowly involved and The line of treatment is to be decided in a way that can reverse the obstruction and channelise free flow of vata dosha. The treatment is divided into following parts:

  • Basti (medicated enema with liquid): Mostly Yapan basti is given first and then madhur anuvasana basti is given.  
  • Virechan With mridu (mild purgative effect) aushad is given.
  • Administration of preparations which have shilajit and guggul are mostly preferred.
  • All types of rasayan aushad or rejuvenating medicine can be given.
  • Use of haridra, shallaki also helps in vata anulomana and thus reduces pain.
  • Rejuvenating herbs like ashwagandha and shatavari are very helpful.

Herbal Formulations For Stiff Person Syndrome

Planet Ayurveda is an Ayurvedic manufacturing company, who prepares effective  Ayurvedic products. The products are totally vegetarian and do not contain any kind of additives, adulterants, dyes, preservatives, flavour enhancers and other chemicals. The products are prepared using effective Ayurvedic herbs which are effective in managing many conditions efficiently. The products by Planet Ayurveda in this condition can be of great help and helps in giving fruitful results. They enhance the body’s immunity and they work as an immune modulator also. The diseases related to the nervous system can also be well managed with these formulations. This simply means that they have a great effect on the immune system and can help in neuron destruction as well. Formulation offered by Planet Ayurveda in stiff person syndrome are as follows:

  1. Jivantyadi Ghrit
  2. Yograj Guggul
  3. Boswellia Curcumin
  4. Brahmi Capsule
  5. Ashwagandha Capsule
  6. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
  7. Hakam Churna

stiff person syndrome care pack

Product’s Description

1. Jivantyadi Ghrit

Jivantyadi ghrit is a classical formulation which has ingredients like jivanti (Leptadenia reticulata), Ksheera (Cow’s Milk), Ghrit (Cow’s Ghee), Prapaundarika (Nelumbo nucifera), Kakoli (Lilium polyphyllum), Pippali (Piper longum), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) and many others. The formulations help in pacification of pitta and also have its impact on vata dosha as well. As the name suggests jeevantyadi ghrit, it is a formulation that has the potential to give new jevan or life. As it lubricates, it reduces dryness in the body due to vata dosha that is the ruksha guna of vata dosha and thus the recurrent attacks of  spasm are reduced.

Dosage: One tsp twice daily with warm water.

2. Yograj Guggul

Yograj guggul is a well known popular classical formulation which is manufactured with potent herbs. “Yograj guggul” as the name mentions it has guggul (Commiphora mukul) as its ingredient.  Formulation has other ingredients like pippali (Piper longum), ajwain (Carum copticum), vidang (Embelia ribes) and others. All these herbs have a great effect for balancing the imbalanced vata dosha. Yograj guggul also has effective work in relieving pain and inflammation,  if present. It also helps in relieving symptoms like muscle twitching and spasms. In addition, it helps in relieving symptoms related to digestion as well. Symptoms like indigestion, bloating, constipation are perfectly managed. It also has a soothing effect on nerves as well. It strengthens the muscles in this case. The formulation is also known for its rejuvenating effects. 

Dosage: Two tablets twice daily with meals.

3. Boswellia Curcumin

Boswellia curcumin are the capsules prepared from the standardised extract of   two potent herbs. These herbs are shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and curcumin (Curcuma longa). The capsules give great results in almost all the conditions related to pain and stiffness. The two herbs work really effectively and are best as an agent to reduce the inflammation. Moreover, these herbs are known for their property to pacify vata dosha. Boswellia curcumin also has its role in enhancing digestion. As a bonus, the presence of curcumin makes it a very good antibacterial agent. Both herbs often help in immunity enhancement and protect the body from untimely degeneration. This is one of the formulations that can protect you from harmful steroidal therapies and immunosuppressants as well.

Dosage: Two capsules twice daily with meals.

4. Brahmi Capsule

Brahmi capsules have only brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) as its key ingredient. These Capsules are prepared from the standardised extract of brahmi. Brahmi is known to enhance brain working and stimulates brain cells as well. The neuron working is also improved by this formulation and it can help in stopping the degeneration of neurons which are responsible for producing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). In this case brahmi basically helps by fighting stress and anxiety which patients usually have or face in this condition. Most of the recurrency of attack is due to these two factors. In addition, brahmi is also a marvellous vata pacifier as well.

Dosage: Two capsules twice daily with meals.

5. Ashwagandha Capsule

These capsules are prepared using standardised extract of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) herb. The herb helps in improving the body’s capacity to maintain the physical effort  by subsiding the inflammation. Ashwagandha  works by decreasing the weakness and strengthening muscles in this condition. The ashwagandha capsules are effective for management of fatigue, weakness of muscles, body pain and strengthen all over the body. With increasing age the capsules potently increase the physical effects and has its effect on the immune system as well. Ashwagandh has a steroidal effect so in this case it can help in relieving pain and inflammation really well.The ashwagandha is having its effect on tridosha and effectively pacifies vata dosha. 

Dosage: Two capsules twice daily with meals.

6. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras

Vrihat vatchintamani ras, a classical formulation which has ingredients like   which is prepared  with Swarna Bhasma (calx of gold), Rajata Bhasma (calx of silver), Abhraka Bhasma (calx of mica), Loha Bhasma (calx of iron), Pravala Bhasma (calx of coral), Mukta Bhasma (calx of pearl) and Suta Bhasma (calx of a compound of purified mercury and sulphur). Vatchintamani ras helps in proper neural transmission and is also responsible for decreasing the factor, that is vata dosha resulting in destruction of neurons releasing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). Overall the formulation gives fantastic results in this condition and makes sure that the frequency of spasm attacks decrease. As its name suggests it has great impact in vata dosha and is specifically formulated for vata related conditions.

Dosage: One tablet twice daily with meals.

7. Hakam Churna

Hakam churna is a really great formulation which is really effective in various types of disorders which have involvement of vata dosha and ama or endotoxins. The hakam churna has ingredients like Chandershoor (Lepidium sativum), kalonji (Nigella sativaa), Methi (Trigonella foenum graecum) and Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi).  The main function of this churna is to digest the ama dosha or the endotoxins so that the sroto sanga in various microchannels can be relieved. The product gives very great results and also results in enhanced or improvement of the body’s metabolism. In addition, the hakam churna is a really great agent for pacification of aggravated vata dosha as well and is really great in relieving pain in many aggravated vata disorders. The product gives fantastic results as an antispasmodic for recurrent muscle spasms as well.

Dosage: Half tsp twice daily with lukewarm water after meals.


The stiff person syndrome is potent enough to destroy anyone’s life. The symptoms and the pain a person has to go through while fighting this condition is just not bearable. But to such patients Ayurveda gives a hope here that yes you will be able to live a normal life once again and will be able to stand on your feet again. The Ayurvedic herbs help in the pacification of the major cause for this condition and that is vata dosha.The formulations prepared by Planet Ayurveda do not have any type of additives, fillers, dyes, preservatives in it. The products are totally natural and do not have any side effects. They have a very good role in this condition In case of any query kindly visit

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit

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