Phytophotodermatitis : Symptoms, Causes and Treatment with Ayurveda
Dermatitis is a term known to explain the irritation or inflammation of the skin. Dermatitis can be caused by a variety of factors. The dermis is the thickest layer of the skin. Blisters, rashes, and irritation are common complaints of skin issues. Any kind of skin inflammation or dermatitis makes a person uncomfortable and needs the correct line of treatment. Here in this article, we will discuss a special type of dermatitis called phytophotodermatitis and will study how Ayurveda deals with this condition.
Phytophotodermatitis is a term known to describe the concept of inflammation of the skin. In this term Phyto means plant, photo means sunlight, and dermatitis means inflammation of the skin. Thus simply we can say that phytophotodermatitis is the inflammation of the skin associated with plant derivatives or sunlight. Sometimes in children, the marks of Phytophotodermatitis appear like child abuse. So we can explain it briefly as a phototoxic cutaneous inflammatory eruption due to furanocoumarins (botanical substance) and ultraviolet radiation. Let’s continue…
The main causes of Phytophotodermatitis are
- Exposure to furocoumarins, Furocoumarins are also responsible for producing excess melanin in skin cells. This causes the subsequent discoloration of the skin.
- Excessive consumption of celery, carrot, figs, etc. Citrus fruits sometimes also cause phytophotodermatitis.
- The initial blistering symptoms are caused by the effects of the chemical on the epidermis. Blistering symptoms can be caused by chemical effects on the epidermis.
- Vegetable pickers, hikers, walkers, children, bartenders, and gardeners are always at high risk. Due to plants, exposure to fruit juices or lime juices.
The symptoms of phytophotodermatitis vary from person to person. Firstly, a person experiences blisters or patches over the skin. Blisters sometimes are itchy and irregular sometimes. Legs, hands, and arms are mostly affected due to exposure. Following are the symptoms associated with this problem.
- Blisters which may be large
- Irritation or itching
- redness or discoloration
- Inflammation
- Pain
- Tenderness
- Burning on patches
- Crusted skin patches
Physical examination is the basic way to diagnose the problem. The physician will check the clinical features and complaints of the patient. Your doctor can diagnose phytophotodermatitis with a physical exam. They will look at your symptoms and ask you about recent activities you’ve participated in and when the symptoms started.
Ayurvedic Aspect
Phytophotodermatitis can be correlated with aggravated pitta dosha due to environmental factors. As per Ayurveda we can explain it as the involvement of agantuk karana (external causes) and includes niryas janya twak dushti. The Niryas janya twak dushti is the term used to explain dermatitis associated with the chemical secretion of the plant. It is an extract known to vitiate the pitta and rakta of the body and cause pittadushuti and rakta dushti. The core symptoms of the problem are inflammation, swelling (inflammation), pidika (blisters), over-pigmentation, and kandu (itching). These symptoms get worse after a person is exposed to direct sunlight. Pitta shamak ahar vihar (Lifestyle) and raktamokshan can be used to manage the status of patients suffering from phytophotodermatitis.
Ayurvedic herbs either applied externally or oral intake of herbs can help to manage the status of the patient. The herbs like Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Ghrit kumari (Aloe barbadensis), Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Rasona (Allium sativum), Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia).
Herbal Remedies by Planet Ayurveda for Phytophotodermatitis
Planet Ayurveda is a GMP-certified hub for the manufacturing of good quality herbal formulations. These herbal formulations are derived from the natural sources mentioned in the ayurvedic texts. The formulations are result oriented, authentic, and manufactured by the guidance of Ayurveda experts.
- Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formal
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Kustha Rakshas Tel
- Royal Honey Shower Gel
- Dermoplan Syrup
Product Description
1. Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula
The Chief ingredients of this formulation are Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Pit Papda (Fumaria officinalis), Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Ghrit Kumari (Aloe barbadensis). The Gleaming skin, hair, and nail formula of Planet Ayurveda is best to improve skin tone and quality of hair and nails. This herbal formulation acts as a blood purifier, promoting skin quality and immunity to counter the effects associated with phytochemicals and sunburn.
Dosage – 1 Cap twice.
2. Gandhak Rasayan
The chief ingredient of this mineral formulation is Shuddha Gandhak. Gandhak Rasayan is a known immunity booster, anti-microbial, and potency, and enhances body strength, stamina, and nourishment, while it also aids in stimulating the digestion process and uplifts the reproductive health in men and women. Gandhak is known for its anti-inflammatory actions and drains out toxins from the body.
Dosage – 2 tablets twice
3. Kustha Rakshas Tel
The Chief ingredients of Kustha rakshas tel are Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Kushta (Saussurea lappa), Shuddha parad (Purified mercury), Saptaparna (Alstonia scholaris), Aragwadha (Cassia fistula), Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia), Shuddha Gandhaka (Purified sulphur), Hartal (As2S3), Rasa sindhura (a combination of mercury and sulphur), Tamra bhasma (Calcined copper), Rasona (Allium sativum), Manashila (Arsenic sulphide), Sarson ka tail (Mustard oil). As the name indicates Kustha Rakshas tel is beneficial for the management of any kind of kustha or skin diseases. This herbal remedy is able to prevent the skin from a variety of phytochemicals and sunburns.
Dosage – 3 ml twice daily for local application.
4. Royal Honey Shower Gel
The chief ingredients of this gel are Honey Vitamin E, Aloe Vera Extract (Aloe barbadensis), Tea Tree Extract (Melaleuca alternifolia), Elfan AT84, Celquat SC 230 M, FM-1200, Glycerin, Viatenza Almond PE-8, Methyl lactate, Iscaguard PEG, Tinosorb M, Bangicid 90 Cosmetics, CAPB, Elfacos GT 282 S, D.M. Water. This honey shower gel helps to reduce toxins and skin inflammation. This herbomineral formulation is driven from pure extracts.
It can be used for bathing. Squeeze a small amount onto a wet body sponge or pouf. Work into a rich creamy lather and then rinse clean.
5. Dermoplan Syrup
Dermoplan syrup is loaded with Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Chopchini (Smilax china), Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Shobhanjan (Moringa oleifera), Khadir (Areca catechu), Gorakhmundi (Sphaeranthus indicus), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Shahtara (Fumaria officinalis), Sugar Syrup. Dermoplan syrup is well known to promote skin health. The herbal formulation is able to pacify the pitta dosha and cleanse the toxins and helps to digest the aam dosha.
Dosage- 2 tsp twice daily.
Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.
As per the above discussion, we can say Ayurvedic herbs can be beneficial in the management of Phytophotodermatitis. This is the time to believe in the ayurvedic ways for the management of diseases to make Ayurveda grow and flourish among the masses. This thing will help to prevent people from the side effects of synthetic medicines. The herbal remedies are result-oriented formulations. This rare disease can be managed with the pinpoint concepts of Ayurveda. Thus we can say that Phytophotodermatitis can be driven by an authentic approach of the deep sciences of Ayurveda.