Top 7 Home Remedies for Back Ache
Nowdays back pain is very severe and common problem. Backache can be solved with some simple home remedies mentioned below:
1. Garlic
The presence of chemical capsaicin in garlic has analgesic properties that neutralize pain. It has anti-inflammatory property that reduces inflammation in back.
How to use:
- Garlic cloves: Take two to three roasted fresh cloves of garlic. Chew them thoroughly and drink a glass of water. Consume it every morning.
- Garlic clove paste: Make a paste of 8-10 garlic clove. Apply this paste to the lower back. Cover with a clean towel and leave this paste for thirty minutes. Wipe away the paste with a warm wet towel. Apply this remedy several times a day.
- Garlic cloves and coconut oil: Heat 60ml of coconut oil adds ten garlic cloves to it. Heat this mixture until garlic cloves turn to golden brown color. Strain the oil and use this oil for back massage. Leave it for three hours and then wash off with warm water. Massage your back 2-3 times a day.
- Garlic cloves and mustard oil: Use a half cup of mustard oil and add 8 to 10 crushed garlic cloves to it. Fry the garlic till they turn golden brown. Massage your back with this oil. Leave it for an hour and then take a warm bath. Apply it 1-2 times in a day.
- Garlic and Turmeric: Make a paste of two teaspoons of garlic and turmeric root. Add a tablespoon of the mixture and a bit of honey to a glass of water. Consume it two times in a day.
2. Ginger
Ginger contains gingerols, zingerones and shagols that act as a natural analgesic and muscle relaxant.
How to use:
- Ginger and Olive oil: Heat two tablespoons of olive oil and five to ten drops of ginger essential oil. Cool it down and apply it to the affected area. Massage it for about thirty minutes. Wash off or wipe using with a clean cloth. Repeat this four times a day.
- Ginger and Garlic oil: Fry ten garlic cloves in coconut oil. Strain the oil and add 12 drops of ginger oil in it. Massage your back with this oil. Leave it for 30 mins and after that clean it with a towel.
- Ginger milk: To a glass of milk adds ginger paste / ginger powder / few freshly chopped ginger slices. Boil the milk. Have this lukewarm milk by adding a little honey. Drink this milk in the morning during breakfast.
3. Poppy Seeds
Poppy seeds are rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, protein, carbohydrates, sodium, folic acid etc. The presence of these components help in relieving pain.
How to use:
- Consume two tablespoons of poppy seeds daily to get relief from backache.
- Make a powder by adding one cup of poppy seeds and rock candy. Consume this mixture twice daily with a glass of milk.
4. Basil Leaves
The presence of essential oil such as eugenol, citronellol, citral, limonene, linalool and terpineol etc in it reduces pain and inflammation.
How to use:
- Chew 5-6 basil leaves daily.
- Add 12 to 15 basil leaves in two cups of water. Boil this mixture until it remains one cup. Drink this tea twice daily.
- Basil leaves oil is also effective in this condition.
5. Cold Compress
Cold compress protects the body tissue by slowing metabolic rate, reduces pain and swelling during back ache.
How to use:
- Different types of cold compresses are there like sponge put in freezer, a frozen towel, frozen bag, gel-type pack. Use this pack on the affected area for 10mins in an hour.
6. Herbal Oil Massage
Use different types of oil for getting relief from backache.
Herbal Oils that Relieve Pain are:
- Lavender oil: This oil is used to reduce pain, inflammation in back ache condition. Massage your back with this oil.
- Fennel essential oil: The oil prepared from fennel seeds acts as a natural relaxant on the muscles and nerves. Due to its antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce pain and inflammation.
- Clove essential oil: Clove has natural warming properties that work well on the pain and reduce swelling. So massage your back with this oil.
- Sandalwood oil: Sandalwood has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation and pain in back. It helps in relaxing the back muscles and nerves. Apply this oil on back to get rid of backache.
7. Improve your Posture
Back ache become worse when you have bad posture. So maintain a good walking, sitting.
- Walking posture: While walking the person should look straight ahead. Keep your head balanced straight above your spine. While you walk, make sure to land on your heel and then gently roll forward to push off the front of your foot.
- Sit with support: While sitting keep your back flush against your chair with your shoulders taller and your head level over your spine.