Comprehensive Insights into Osteopenia – Causes & Ayurvedic Perspectives
Osteopenia is a medical term for a decline in bone mineral density (BMD) that is below normal reference levels but not low enough to be diagnosed as osteoporotic. Osteoporosis is seen as a quantitative, rather than a qualitative, pathology of bone mineralization, and declining BMD values are indicative of an underlying disruption in the microarchitecture of bone and osteopenia. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), osteoporosis is diagnosed by a t-score less than -2.5, while osteopenia is indicated by values between -1 and -2.5.
From birth until adulthood, the acquisition of bone minerals follows a regular pattern that is unique to each person’s age and sex. Soon after the peak height gain in adolescence, bone mineral accretion reaches its apex with the onset of puberty. 95% of adult bone mass is normally reached by age 17 for females and age 21 for men, and bone mineral accretion rates for both sexes continue to be highest for about four years after the peak accretion rate is reached. Thus, by the third decade of life, bone mass reaches its peak. Early-onset diseases of decreased bone mass (osteopenia or osteoporosis) and an increased risk of fragility fractures even in adolescence occur from failure to reach peak bone mass as a young adult.
- Bones are formed from living tissue. Up until the age of 30, a healthy person builds more bone than they lose. Bones begin to lose mass more quickly than they gain it after the age of 35. Even in a healthy individual, bone density decreases over time by less than 1% annually.
- Osteopenia can be caused by a variety of conditions, including illnesses like hyperthyroidism, which accelerate bone loss. cancer and prednisone, Heartburn
- Medications for seizures and high blood pressure are two examples.
- Hormonal alterations are brought on during menopause.
- Poor nutrition, especially a diet deficient in calcium or vitamin D.
- Surgery on the digestive system may make it more difficult for the body to absorb essential vitamins and minerals.
- Unhealthy behaviours include smoking, excessive alcohol or caffeine use, and inactivity.
Until osteoporosis develops, osteopenia typically shows no signs or symptoms. Rarely, some individuals with osteopenia may feel pain or weakening in their bones. When a person undergoes a BMD screening, the condition is typically identified.
Osteopenia cannot be cured, so it’s critical to maintain bone density as much as possible. Simple measures can be taken as part of treatment to maintain the strongest, healthiest bones possible and stop the development of osteoporosis:
- Calcium therapy
- Exercise
- A good diet
- Vitamin D supplements and sun exposure increase the body’s absorption of vitamin D
You can stop bone loss and maintain bone strength by implementing the following strategies:
- Don’t smoke
- Consume a nutritious, balanced diet rich in calcium, vitamins, fruits, and vegetables
- Everyday exercise. Exercises that require you to carry your own weight, such as jogging and weightlifting, are very beneficial
- Go outside to get some sun exposure, which will aid in vitamin D absorption into the bloodstream
- Drink in moderation
Ayurvedic View
In the Ayurvedic literature, it is defined as Asthi Dhatu kshaya. Ayurveda is referred to as a “divine science” because of both its ancient roots and its extraordinary power. It has two goals: One is preventative, preserving the health of the healthy person, and the other is curative, treating the sickness. Mana (mind), atma (soul), and shareera (body) are the three pillars of life, and in Ayurveda, achieving perfect balance between them is equivalent to being in perfect health. The human body is described by Ayurveda as an equilibrium of dosha, dhatu, and mala. Maintaining the body’s structure is the purpose of dhatu. Ashti dhatu, one of the dhatu, is in charge of maintaining the body’s structural framework. It gives the body shape and safeguards the important organs. The seat of Vata Dosha is Asthi Dhatu. Asthi and Vata are mutually inclusive. Acharya Charak explains asthi kshaya in 18 different categories of kshaya.
Asthi and Kshaya are the two words that make up the word asthi kshaya. The root ‘As’ + ‘Kthin’, which means ‘To Stay’ or ‘Stability,’ is the source of the term ‘Asthi’. The terms “asyate kshipyateyat,” “asyate iti asthi,” and “mamsabhyantarasthah-sharirastha sapta dhatvantargata dhatuvisheshaha” are used to define asthi. Asthi is that which has been in its current state for a very long time. Asthi possesses the qualities of guru (heavy), khara (rough), kathina (hard), sthula (bulkiness), sthira (stability), and murtimad. Deha dharana (provides the body’s structural framework), Majja pushti (nutrition to the body), and the bone marrow), and it is where vata is housed.
The literature does not specifically address the etiological reasons for Asthi kshaya. Asthi receives nutrients from the Majja Dhatu, which is a part of the Asthi Dhatu. Asthi kshaya is caused by the same elements that cause asthivaha and majja vaha srotas to become vitiated. Consumption of abhishyandi and in effective meals from Majja Vaha Sroto Dushti provokes vata because blockage causes vitiation of vata. Asthivaha srotas vitiation causes an increase in vata, which results in asthi kshaya.
Asthi is nourished by majja dhatu, which is found inside of it. The primary cause of asthi kshaya is the provocation of vata. It might adhere to one of two patterns: one from the Margavaraan and the other from the Dhatu kshaya. The excessive consumption of these nidan causes the body tissues to shrink and the channels to get blocked, making the strotas rikta (devoid of unctuousness). This causes the vata to be provoked, and the vitiated vata fills in the channels that are lacking in unctuousness and vitiates them further, causing the vata to be provoked even more. In addition, maintaining the dhatu’s normal qualitative and quantitative composition requires optimal nutrient uptake. In order to carry out this crucial task, the jatharagni, bhutagni, and dhatu agni must all be operating properly. Jatharagni dysfunction can result in the production of aam (indigestion), which can then lead to strotorodh (channel obstruction), which can then cause asthi kshaya due to inadequate asthi nutrition. Due to the fact that asthi is made up of parthiv, tejas, and vayu mahabhuta, any functional defect in one of these bhutagni results in inappropriate conversion of parthiv, tejas, and vayavya ansh, which can then cause a nutritional shortfall and asthi kshaya.
- Asthi Kshaya’s symptoms include
- Asthi bheda
- Asthishula
- Keshalomanakhasmashrudanta vikara and Paata (hair, nail, and tooth diseases),
- Sandhi shaithilya, and Rukshta (dryness).
- The holistic approach of ayurvedic medicine, which views the human body as a unified entity, has led to the development of numerous
novel therapeutic modalities.
- Nidana parivarjana (avoidance of etiological variables)
- Shodhana (Biopurification)
- Shamana (palliative treatment)
- Rasayana (rejuvenation) and pathya apathya (proper diet) are some of the methods used to cure asthi kshaya
- Avoid overindulging in the etiological variables that provoke vata, cause asthi to become vitiated, cause majja vaha srotas, as
well as psychological influences.
Herbal Remedies For Low Bone Density By Planet Ayurveda
Natural medicines are produced by a company named Planet Ayurveda, a pharmaceutical company. As it grows, Planet Ayurveda will soon be accessible worldwide. These are effective natural products exclusively. There are no additional adulterants or preservatives. The company provides all of the authorized products with no unfavourable side effects. Planet Ayurveda is a devoted herbal business that also provides its benefits to common people. A couple of the product lists are shown below for low bone density.
- Coral Calcium Complex
- Lakshadi Guggul
- Osteo Plan Capsules
- Bone Support

Product Description
1. Coral Calcium Complex
This is the production of Planet Ayurveda, which has ingredients like Praval pishti (Coral), Giloy satva (Guduchi), and some others. Praval bhasma is a natural calcium-rich substance that is frequently used as a supplement in the traditional Indian medical system to treat a number of bone metabolic diseases linked to a calcium shortage.
Dosage: After meals, take 1 capsule twice a day with a glass of water.
2. Lakshadi Guggul
This is the preparation of Planet Ayurveda, which includes ingredients like Laksha (Laccifer lacca), Asthisamharaka (Cissus quadrangularis), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), and some others. Guggulu, one of the most popular ayurvedic herbs and a vital component of many essential formulations used in Ayurveda, is utilized to make Lakshadi Guggulu, a polyherbal formulation. The word “guggulu” implies “that which guards against disease.” It is used to treat joint discomfort and bone diseases such as reduced bone density and fractures. Lakshadi guggul can be used to treat simple cases of osteoarthritis as well as new cases.
Dosage: with lukewarm water and 1-2 pills twice or three times each day
3. Osteo Plan Capsules
These are the ingredients used in the manufacturing of Planet Ayurveda, including Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), and some others. Hadjod’s Vata balancing and Snigdha (oily) qualities assist in managing osteoporosis by preventing bone deterioration and giving the bones just the right degree of oiliness or greasiness. Hadjod is a wonderful natural cure for flatulence, indigestion, weight loss, epilepsy, diminished sexual drive, and haemorrhoids, in addition to its potent abilities to mend bone fractures. Hadjod, which is rich in calcium, magnesium, and the antioxidant resveratrol, promotes healthy bone cell formation, regeneration, and proliferation to guarantee good body structural development.
Dosage: Take 1-2 capsules with a glass of water after meals, twice daily.
4. Bone Support
This is the formulation of Planet Ayurveda, which consists of Shudh Laksha (Laccifer lacca), Suhanjana Beej (Moringa oleifera), Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis), and some others as well. Bone microstructure and bone mineral density both improved with Moringa oleifera leaf use. Bone development and bone resorption were both facilitated by the Moringa oleifera leaf. Moringa oleifera leaves helped OVX rats have more typical lipid profiles and gut microbiota composition.
Dosage : After meals, take 1 capsule twice a day with a glass of water.
Being a complex condition, asthi kshaya requires a comprehensive approach to treatment. Prevention is preferable to treatment. To make it easier to treat, early diagnosis, prevention, and intervention are therefore necessary. Ayurveda is a medical method that can stop this by taking into account all of the etiological variables involved in its etiology. The medications listed above can be administered singly or in combinations depending on the patient’s dosha, dushya, kala, bala, agni, etc. The use of these medications in accordance with the fundamentals of Ayurveda may prove beneficial for the prevention of this illness.