Ayurvedic Treatment For Femoral Hernia With Herbal Remedies
Generally the muscles are strong enough to hold the intestines and other internal organs in their proper place. However, sometimes there becomes a weakened spot in these muscles through which the intra-abdominal organs like intestines are pushed while overstraining. Now if these tissues have been pushed through the femoral canal’s wall, it is known as femoral hernia. This femoral hernia is presented as a bulge near the thigh or groin area. Femorocele is another name given to femoral hernias. In this write up you can get all the needed information about femoral hernia and its Ayurvedic treatment.
When the tissues are pushed through a weakened spot in the femoral canal which is a muscle wall of the inner thigh or groin area, it is known as femoral hernia. A bulge is seen in the groin region or inner thigh area. Usually the common causes seen in femoral hernia are overstraining while passing stool, exercising or coughing and obesity.
Femoral hernia is less common as compared to other hernias. Femoral canal is a wall of muscle through which smaller veins, femoral artery and nerves pass. Femoral canal is located in the groin just below the inguinal ligament. Women are more prone to femoral hernia as compared to men. In most of the cases of femoral hernia there are no signs and symptoms. But in certain cases it can cause severe complications if the hernia blocks and obstruct the blood circulation of the intestines. It is termed a strangulated hernia which is a medical emergency and immediate surgery is required as a treatment.
In Ayurvedic texts hernia is correlated with Antra vriddhi which is one of the 7 types of vruddhi explained in Ayurveda. As per Ayurveda femoral hernia is caused due to the aggravation of the vayu. Vayu gets aggravated due to consumption of incompatible foods and improper lifestyle like the causes mentioned above. Vitiated Vayu displaces the intestines from the original place and pushes it through the muscle wall causing swelling in the groin or inner thigh region.
Usually the people suffering from femoral hernia do not have any kind of symptoms. But the people who have symptoms, experiences:
- Discomfort in groin area that aggravates on lifting anything, standing or straining
- Pain in abdominal region
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Bulge on the groin region or inner thigh upper area.
- Bulge is painful to touch or tender and disappears on lying down.
The internal tissues like intestines or other organs push through a weak spot in the wall of muscles near the inner thigh or groin region. However the exact cause of femoral hernia is not known but there can be certain factors which can put excessive pressure in the abdominal area leading to femoral hernia like:
- Pushing or lifting heavy things
- Continuous strong cough for many days
- Difficulty in passing stool or urine
- Giving birth to the child
- Obesity
- Person having buildup of fluid in abdomen, ascites.
- Peritoneal dialysis that is a kidney disease treatment procedure.
Early diagnosis and intervention is necessary as there can be severe complications if femoral hernia is left untreated for a long time. Diagnosis is based on physical examination by your doctor which can clearly suspect the hearnia on examining the lump and also the medical history will help in confirming it. CT scan, ultrasound and MRI scans help in further confirmation of the femoral hernia and ruling out other types of hernia.
Conventional treatment of femoral hernia includes surgical repair. No other mode of treatment is available in the modern medicine system. Surgery for femoral hernia can be either laparoscopic or open surgery.
As Vata dosha is aggravated in femoral hernia hence the treatment is given to restore the balance of the vata dosha which can include various Ayurvedic procedures like Vankshana daha, Padangushta daha, Sire vedha and prescription of herbal remedies that balances the Vata dosha naturally.
Planet Ayurveda is a renowned herbal pharmaceutical company that manufactures herbal products and remedies that are pure and authentic and are used to treat various chronic and acute diseases. For femoral hernia, Planet Ayurveda offers a combination of herbal remedies that helps in reducing hernia and treating associated signs and symptoms.
Products List
- Boswellia Curcumin
- Gotukola Capsules
- Kachnaar Guggul
- Rumogin 5 Capsules
- Arjuna Capsules
Products Description
1. Boswellia Curcumin
Boswellia curcumin capsules act as natural and herbal pain relievers. These therapeutic capsules help in strengthening the muscles, help in preventing weak points and weakness of muscles and ameliorate the pain and discomfort. Boswellia curcumin capsules are made from standardized extract of Haridra (Curcuma longa) and Shallaki (Boswellia serrata).
Dosage: Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
2. Gotukola Capsule
Gotukola capsules are prepared from extract of Gotukola (Centella asiatica) herb in standardized form. These capsules help in strengthening the blood vessel’s inner linings and improves the blood circulation, treating and preventing obstructed blood supply.
Dosage: Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
3. Kanchnaar Guggul
Kanchnaar guggul tablets help in treating any abnormal swelling in the body. These amazing tablets are known to treat abnormal growths and inflammation. Kanchnaar guggul is prepared from herbs like Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Kachnar bark (Bauhinia variegata), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Varuna (Crataeva religiosa) and Black pepper (Piper nigrum). It also detoxifies the system balancing the tridosha in the body.
Dosage: Take 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.
4. Rumogin 5 Capsule
These multi herbal capsules help in ameliorating inflammation and pain, preventing and treating different diseases of muscles by making them strong. Herbs like Haridra (Curcuma longa), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and Sonth (Zingiber officinale) are used in the production of Rumogin 5 capsules.
Dosage: Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
5. Arjuna Capsule
Extract of Terminalia arjuna is the single herb used in standardized form to prepare these therapeutic herbal capsules. Arjuna capsules help in balancing the doshas in the body and aids healthy blood circulation in the body.
Dosage: Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
Femoral hernia can be managed well with the help of these herbal remedies. These remedies help in pacifying the Vata dosha which is the root cause of the condition and annihilate the disease naturally to a certain level.